Monday, April 11, 2011

china animals

A lion forced to ride a terrified horse at an "animal park" at Xiamen in Fujian, southeast China
Photo found uncredited at The Daily Mail

What a perfect way to follow the last blog - good news!

China has now banned animal circuses, and warned all of its zoos that they must stop abusing animals or will be shut down. Read the full story here: China bans animal circuses, by Malcolm Moore on The Telegraph. This is fantastic news! Animals in these zoos are suffering severe abuse and hopefully this will make life at least a little better for them while they're forced to live in captivity. Among the practices banned are the removal of baby tigers' teeth so that guests can hold the tigers, selling of rare and endangered animal meat in zoo restaurants, and feeding of live animals (such as chickens, goats, cows and horses) to big cats while zoo guests watch.

china animals
china animals
china animals
china animals
china animals
china animals
china animals
china animals

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